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Teach you how to adjust the temperature control of fermentat

Editor:Hechang Machinery Updated date:2021-01-29 17:14:06 View:107
  The temperature control signal input of fermentation tank equipment is 4-20mA current, and the corresponding output is 0-150 ° C. the temperature output needs to be adjusted through proofreading. It can be programmed in the program or used as a personal computer interface. The user can adjust (a) BX) the working temperature setting is set through the human-machine interface through user input. The upper limit and lower limit can be divided, and the working temperature plus the deviation temperature (for example, 0.5 ° C, 1 ° C) can be set by the user, or the direct temperature value can be used. User settings can also be written directly into the program control mode, the deviation is 0.5 ° C: heating automatically starts to be lower than the lower limit temperature, cooling automatically starts to be higher than the upper limit temperature.
  1. The heating and cooling process parameters are set by the user through the man-machine interface. The parameters are: heating time (hot water valve opening time, range 0-5 minutes) and heating interval (can be set to twice heating), and the interval can also be set to the time when the hot water valve is closed, which can be 0-10 minutes. As the hot water enters into the jacket of the fermentation tank during heating, the temperature of the fermentation tank rises after a period of time, so the hot water valve is closed. After waiting for a period of time, avoid frequent start-up and excessive temperature fluctuation; for the same reason, the pH control signal input of "cooling time" and "cooling interval" should be set to 4-20mA current, the corresponding output should be 0-14, and the pH value of the output pH value should be adjusted to calibration.
  2. Through the man-machine interface, the user adjusts (BX) pH setting and user input, and controls pH value through the man-machine interface. Upper and lower limits can be used, and a working pH can be used to add a bias pH. The pH value can be set by the user (0.1, 0.2, etc.), or the direct pH value can be set by the user. Control method: automatically start the alkali adding amount is lower than the lower limit pH value, automatically start the acid adding amount is higher than the upper limit temperature; the process of adding alkali and acid needs to be set by the user through the human-machine interface.
  3. The parameters are: alkali addition time (the start time of alkaline peristaltic pump, the range is 0-5 minutes) and alkali addition interval (it can be set as the interval between two alkali additions, or it can be closed by peristaltic pump) can be 0-10 minutes. Due to the addition of alkali, the pH value of fermentation tank increases after ammonia water enters the fermentation tank for a period of time. Therefore, it is necessary to wait for a period of time after shutting down the alkaline peristaltic pump to avoid frequent start-up and pH value. For the same reason, "acid addition time" and "acid addition interval" need to be set in the acid addition process.

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